Why are queens broodless?
Bumble bees colonies are domesticated to provide commercial crop pollination. Recent efforts to commercially rear locally native species to provide these pollination services have revealed that little is known about the parasites and pathogens of these species or about reproductive biology in bumble bees as a whole. Our work assessed mating status, ovary development, and the presence of several parasites and pathogens in wild-caught bumble bee queens who failed to initiate a nest in captivity. Our recently published work (Mullins et al. 2020) revealed that the presence of several parasites is not linked to failed nest initiation in two bumble bee species (Bombus huntii and B. vosnesenskii).
If you are interested in the methods for the multiplex PCR used in this research, here are the published supplementary materials developed by Dr. Amber Tripodi.
If you are interested in the methods for the multiplex PCR used in this research, here are the published supplementary materials developed by Dr. Amber Tripodi.
Check out my 2017 Entomological Society of America meeting poster in the file below.
mullins_esa2017.pdf |